
July 2023 Trending Topics

We often get asked what to write about. Our research team puts together ten trending topics each month to improve the likelihood of getting picked up in the media. We provide these monthly, so be sure to check back regularly. Here are this month’s trending topics:

  1. Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
  2. AI technologies increase threats in cybercrime
  3. FTC proposed rule seeks to ban fake reviews
  4. The pros and cons of “hot desking” – what employers need to know
  5. Eco-friendly materials & green building design remains prevalent
  6. Google and Facebook to block Canadian news stories following its new media law
  7. Chinese company Baidu claims AI beats ChatGPT
  8. Proposed changes to patent laws to address cancellation of patents
  9. Health data privacy hard to navigate post-Roe
  10. Catastrophic weather drives home insurance costs up as lawmakers scramble to find solutions