
AI Craves Content, and Thought Leaders Provide It

Published in the New York Law Journal (subscriber based).

By Ioana Good

Nowadays, you can barely visit a news site without seeing articles about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it will change varying industries—and its associated risks. But what does that mean for your business?

Big tech is racing to be at the forefront and implement AI across platforms in an effort to lead the market and cement themselves as AI experts. As with the evolution of nearly every new technology, promises abound for how AI will change how we live, work, and interface with intelligence tools and machines. But AI is still in the very early stages of development, and much remains to be seen about how it will evolve and the degree of usefulness it will provide. But companies are racing one another to invest vast amounts of information and resources to explore and advance this new frontier. It’s happening so fast that experts talk about advancements in terms of days and weeks rather than years and decades.

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