
October 2023 Trending Topics

We often get asked what to write about. Our research team puts together ten trending topics each month to improve the likelihood of getting picked up in the media. We provide these monthly, so be sure to check back regularly. Here are this month’s trending topics:

  1. Cybersecurity Awareness Month
  2. ABA’s 2023 Mediation Week (3rd week of October)
  3. Life Sciences companies address scope 3  emissions
  4. Banks offer high yields, financial advisors seek new strategies
  5. Strikes and oil prices are growing concerns for the economy
  6. ChatGPT will soon offer-image creation capability
  7. FTX investors unlikely to get money back
  8. Government avoids shutdown—funded through November 17
  9. Affirmative action decision by SCOTUS has firms looking at diversity programs
  10. VR/CAD designers collaborate on new initiatives for AEC industry