
Justin Wender’s Co-Op Journey at Promova 

“I learned to value personal connections with people, expand my professional growth, serve varied industries, learn as a community with my colleagues, and recognize that continuous improvement of people and a company is what drives success.”

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?  

I am an incoming fourth year student at Northeastern University, majoring in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics. I am set to begin my second co-op role, which I was able to get in large part due to the work I did at Promova. Additionally, I plan on applying to law school next year, and part of my decision to embark on the process of law school was my work with Promova’s clients in the legal field. Not only did these clients show me the best aspects of a career in law, but they also piqued my interest in ongoing legal discussions and helped me learn the values of an ethical focus in law.  

Any tips you’d like to share with future Promova interns? 

Don’t be afraid to speak up and share opinions from day one. The work moves fast, but you will always be given time to talk during team meetings, and everyone will make themselves available to you one-on-one if you have questions or suggestions. No input will ever fall on deaf ears here, and just the mere knowledge that people will listen to you is something I cannot stress enough. Not only did this help reinforce the value of my own opinions and viewpoints, but it also taught me to critically analyze my thoughts and the workings of every organization of which I am a part. Overall, when you come into a position at Promova, the biggest things that will bring you success are self-confidence, a critical (but not overly critical) mindset, and attention to detail. If you focus on these things, you will be in a great position to best serve yourself, the future growth of Promova, and all the amazing clients that Promova works with.  

Tell us about your experience in the co-op program at Promova.

When I first applied to this position at Promova, I had just declared my major in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, and I had very little experience in a professional environment. As soon as I accepted my offer, I started receiving emails from the team telling me how excited they were to get a co-op student and I felt like part of the team even before my first day.  

During my time, I was continuously given opportunities to expand my horizons and use my strengths to succeed. With help from the Find A Rainmaker assessment, Ioana and Adrien quickly noticed which tasks best suited me and made an effort to give me the tasks where I found the most enjoyment. Starting off with simpler tasks and working my way up to high-level tasks, I find it interesting and a little bittersweet to look back on all the work I’ve done here and see the realization of my work in published articles across a wide range of markets and industries.    

If you asked me what I value in a co-op role before I took this job, I probably would have said professional experience, but Promova taught me much more. I learned to value personal connections with people, expand my professional growth, serve varied industries, learn as a community with my colleagues, and recognize that continuous improvement of people and a company is what drives success. During my co-op, I met with lawyers, engineers, and architects to discuss the latest trends in their industries and map out strategic ideas and initiatives for growth. Additionally, I published my work in recognizable outlets such as The Legal Intelligencer and worked on Promova’s AI Policy.

I feel like I had more personal growth during my co-op here than in many of my classes, and a big part of that was the recognition that my input was making a significant impact on the company. I’m incredibly grateful to Promova for providing the opportunities to grow and learn in the year I worked here. Promova is a forward-thinking company, with a deliberate focus on ensuring the best process to lay the groundwork for future growth, and I can’t wait to see what it brings to its clients and to many more co-ops in the coming years! 

To learn more about Promova’s co-op program, click here.